Student Chapters

FWEA’s Student Chapters are professional organizations for students with an interest in the environment or becoming more active in the water industry. Student Chapters provide an avenue for the exchange of information and ideas between students, academics and members of FWEA and the Water Environment Federation. If you are interested in forming a student chapter, please visit the WEF student page or contact the chair of the Student & Young Professionals Committee.

Additionally, each year the FWEA SYPC holds the Student Design Competition (SDC) at the Florida Water Resources Conference (FWRC), for more information and guidelines for participation please visit: Student Design Competition. Winners of the SDC Environmental and Wastewater categories will be awarded the Norm Casey Scholarship. The Norm Casey Scholarship Fund was established in memory of Norm Casey. This scholarship will fund each team's trip to compete at the WEFTEC Student Design Competition. 

Florida Atlantic University
Faculty Advisor:
Daniel Meeroff, Ph.D.
(561) 297-2658

University of Florida
Faculty Advisor:
John Sansalone, Ph.D., P.E.
(352) 373-0796

University of South Florida
Faculty Advisor:
Sarina J. Ergas, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE
(813) 974-1119

Florida International University
Faculty Advisor:
Berrin Tansel, Ph.D., P.E.
(305) 348-2928

University of Miami
Faculty Advisor:
James Englehardt, Ph.D.
(305) 284-5557

Faculty Advisor:
Youneng Tang, Ph.D.
(850) 410-6119

University of Central Florida
Faculty Advisor:
A H M Anwar Sadmani, Ph.D., P.Eng.
(407) 823-2781

University of North Florida 
Faculty Advisor: 
Craig Harris, Ph.D.

Florida Gulf Coast University
Faculty Advisor:
Ashley Danley-Thomson, Ph.D., P.E.
(239) 745-4390